商品の詳細 Capable of impedance measurement that is up to 150V of input voltage when connected to KFM2150 with the dedicated cable. Capable of 32ch/unit input, and it is expandable to 160ch in a parallel connection. Capable of voltage and impedance measurement of arbitrary cells in a single connection due to the function that allows the ability to change the allocated terminal of the channel. Capable of setting OVP and UVP to each channel. Capable of voltage monitoring with the 32 channels/sec. of the scanning speed. Capable of an individual operation as a voltage monitoring. Lineup
【正常動作品】KIKUSUI KFM2151
商品の詳細 Capable of impedance measurement that is up to 150V of input voltage when connected to KFM2150 with the dedicated cable. Capable of 32ch/unit input, and it is expandable to 160ch in a parallel connection.
Capable of voltage and impedance measurement of arbitrary cells in a single connection due to the function that allows the ability to change the allocated terminal of the channel.
Capable of setting OVP and UVP to each channel.
Capable of voltage monitoring with the 32 channels/sec. of the scanning speed.
Capable of an individual operation as a voltage monitoring.
付属品 マニュアル
KFM2150 接続ケーブル
動作状況を示すために出品物以外の 測定器やケーブル等が写真に写りこんでいる場合がございますが、 上記以外の物は一切付属致しませんのでご了承ください。
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